Wednesday, October 31, 2012

X-rated {31 for 21}

Occasionally when patients are admitted to the ICU they are either too sick or too impaired to provide any information about their past medical history.  And when family isn't around to fill in the gaps, we have to use what's available.  Often times that means we use their scars to tell a story.

Reese's little body already has quite a story to tell.  Down syndrome, previous open heart surgery & past feeding difficulties would all be obvious with just a cursory examination.

I thought a lot about Reese's scars before she underwent the knife.  Would they be another source of potential teasing?  Would they affect her body image or make her self conscious?  Would she always opt for one-piece bathing suits over bikinis? (think Dad would be just find if that were the case)

In all honesty, I don't even notice them anymore.  Partly because they are in locations that are normally covered, but mainly because they are just part of who she is.  Just like I don't notice Reagan's stork bite or the scar over Ben's eye.

If anything, Reese's scars are daily reminders of her courage & resiliency.  Occasionally I'll catch a glimpse of the white line peeking out above her shirt collar & I'm reminded that life is precious.  I know fellow heart moms will agree.  We were at one of Reese's sign language classes when another mother noticed the faint line & gave me a knowing glance.  She lowered the top of her son's shirt to reveal a matching faint line & we both smiled.  Smiled because thankfully the surgery is part of the past, but also because our kiddos share a special bond that identify them as pretty tough cookies.

Reese's skin doesn't lie.  Her roadmap of scars is proof she had a challenging first year.  I like to think that if the saying "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is true, than Reese is freaking indestructible.

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