Monday, October 15, 2012

Lips {31 for 21}

Last spring we were at a picnic sponsored by the DSG.  Ben & I spent a good portion of our time talking to one young couple who had a baby around Reese's age.  When we got into the car to leave, Ben looked at me & said, "That was weird.  Don't you think Penelope looks just like Reese?  They could be twins."  I waited for that sly smile, a sideward glance to assure me he was just being his normal smart-assy self but it didn't come.  I started chuckling & he looked at me with sincere confusion.  That's what I love about my husband.  When he looks at Reese, he doesn't see Down syndrome.  He sees a beautiful baby with unique characteristics & thinks she's the prettiest girl in town (I tend to agree). 

"Ben, you do realize that babies & kids & adults with Ds share certain facial characteristics, right?  That's why you can normally recognize someone with Ds in the community", I said.  He pondered a moment & said, "you honestly think strangers can tell Reese has Down syndrome?"  Again, I love this man.

According to the NDDS, babies with DS have some distinct facial features which can include:

*almond shaped eyes with light-colored spots dubbed Brushfield spots & small ears

*a small, somewhat flat nose & flat profile

*a small mouth with a protruding tongue (more on the protruding tongue in a future post - this one irks me a bit)

My goal is not to pigeon hole Reese into one particular category.  Yes, she may share many of the characteristics common to other babies with Ds, but her face is supremely unique to me.  And supremely beautiful.  While she may resemble Penelope & the other kids in our Ds group, she also resembles her sister & her father (and like with Reagan, thankfully I witnessed Reese exiting the birth canal otherwise I would insist on a DNA test to prove I was the mother).

And while I absolutely love all of Reese's features that identify her with a group that I've come to adore, I also love the features that are supremely Reese.  Like her faux hawk & forearm rolls.  Her edible cheeks & long eyelashes.  And her lips.  They slay me.

So incredibly kissable
Speaking of kisses, Reese prefers the open-mouth variety...


  1. First of all, you are rockin' this 31 for 21 thing. I am not. I commend you! Secondly, I think Reese has your big, full lips - gorgeous! Thirdly, and maybe this is why the adoption thing doesn't faze me at all, my sister looks nothing like me. No commonalities at all - not hair color, not eye color, not complexion. Yes, she has your standard Down syndrome characteristics but that is not why we look nothing alike. We just don't have common features. I suppose family is not about looking alike. And we don't have kids just to have our own traits reflected back at us as some ultimate form of ego fulfillment. It's so much more than that. And that video demonstrates that. Beautiful! Love it!

  2. I just came across this and your baby is beautiful!
