Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Baby {31 for 21}

The word baby applies to Reese's life in many ways:

1. It seems to be her first word...

Reese has been babbling for ages. She's a pro with the D, B & M sounds. Most kids with Ds have speech delays, some profound, so I had no idea when to expect her first word. That's why I was utterly floored when she articulated the word "baby" a few weeks ago. At first I thought it was just her babbling, pure coincidence that it sounded like the real thing. Then she started saying baby when holding her doll & when she saw pictures of babies in books. I was still in denial, or maybe just wanted to make sure it wasn't wishful thinking, until her OT & my mom & Ben's mom & my neighbor all said the same thing, "you know she's saying baby, right?" It's not consistent & she never says it upon request, but it's clear as day when it does slip out.

2. It is, without doubt, her favorite possession...

Reagan had no interest in babies for the first two years of life so imagine my surprise when Reese started forgoing her flashy, colorful, LOUD toys for Reagan's nasty, dingy, half naked baby dolls.  Arms start flapping & smiles morph into crazed expressions of love when a baby comes into view.

 Never far from reach
Even more in love with the real deal which is a good thing because...
3.  On approximately April 13, 2013, we will be welcoming another baby (the real deal) into the Wallace household...
Bumpkin Wallace
Yep, I'm knocked up.  Twelve weeks & three days knocked up to be exact. 
No, it was not an accident. 
Yes, I realize my oldest is a bit of a tyrant & my youngest has special needs & it will be crazy & chaotic around here for a long time but we are over the moon.  
Yes, technically my chances of having another baby with Ds are higher.  The genetic counselor quoted me "1 out of 100" odds.  I haven't told Ben yet - he will be devastated our chances are so low.  
No, we are not having another kid just because Reese has Ds.  We were on the fence about trying for a third before she was even born.  I think she (and Reagan) will only benefit from having another sibling, whether it be of the typical or special needs variety. 
No, we are not finding out the gender.  Again.  Sorry Family, I know this makes you crazy.
Yes, I am old (36 to be exact).  I am considered "geriatric" when it comes to baby making.  I actually prefer the more subtle "advanced maternal age" label.  And because I'm old, I have already seen a perinatologist & will see her again at 20 weeks when a level II ultrasound will be done. 
Yes, Ben will need counseling if Bumpkin comes equipped with a vagina. 


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!! You made my day! I love everything about this announcement - especially when you say that Ben will be devastated that your chances are so low :-) You know our girls are even closer in age and although it has it's stressful moments, there is no greater joy than watching them interact with one another. Yaaaaay!!!!!!
