Friday, April 27, 2012

Toobie Free

Reese has a funny sense of humor.  Yesterday she was on a healthy dose of Versed (sedative) and Fentanyl (narcotic) and still managed to wiggle around enough to warrant adding Precedex (another sedative) to the mix.  This morning the nurse turned off every bit of her sedation & pain medication in preparation to get the breathing tube out.  Instead of waking up to prove she could breathe on her own, she immediately decided it was time to sleep.  So much for following the rules, Reese.  You're a lot like your sister.

Five hours later, she finally perked up enough to lose the breathing tube.

Toobie in

Toobie out

She was not satisfied to stop there and a whole slew of equipment was lost in the wake.  She is now sans arterial line, foley catheter, pacemaker wires and wrist restraints.  Her latest achievement was to chuck all supplemental oxygen.  It's been a good day.

  Daddy's Girl

This chick is tough as nails.  She hasn't had a drop of pain medicine all day and still insists on doing her Jane Fonda.  She's even wearing the appropriate attire - gotta love a baby in legwarmers.

I'm actually kind of amazed at her progress even though I know better than to underestimate her.  We call her Ali.  She was born with gloves on and continues to fight through every obstacle she encounters.  You are kicking this surgery's butt, sista.  Keep up the good work.

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