Friday, December 30, 2011

Our Newest Accessory

OK, it really isn't that new, but I've been so busy with the kids, holidays, birthdays, yada yada yada, that updating the blog has taken a serious hit.  Hopefully things will settle after the start of the new year & I'll keep all the Reese-watchers better informed.

So, back to our accessory.  Reese has been sporting a nasogastric tube (NG tube for short) since November 18th.  Her weight gain had started to slow & she was just getting too tuckered out during her feedings.  Both the home health nurse & cardiologist thought this was the best solution. 

Please don't mind the crusted milk on my lips - I'm a messy eater

So now we offer her a bottle every 3 hours.  She takes what she can by mouth & when she gets tired, we finish via the NG tube.  She gets continuous feedings administered through a pump at night to pack in some extra calories.  This method has definitely worked.  Reese weighed 10.8 pounds at our last appointment & is tracking nicely on her growth curve.    

Reese has amazing aunts & cousins that help out with her meals

Now she's getting the calories she needs to plump up & get stronger in preparation for surgery.  Her cardiologist is pleased as punch with her progress & sees no reason to set her surgery date anytime soon.  On one hand, I'm thrilled that her heart is showing no obvious signs of failure & we are granted the precious gift of time to allow her body to gain strength.  On the other hand, the waiting game is torture & I absolutely hate watching her struggle with the simple acts of breathing & eating.  I cannot begin to tell you how relieved this household will be once we get her little ticker fixed.  

In the meantime, we are just enjoying her metamorphosis from not-doing-much-of-anything newborn to the smiling, cooing baby she is today.  She honestly is the happiest bundle I've ever seen.      

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