Thursday, November 15, 2012

Target Euphoria

Outings with Reagan are an adventure.  You never know which of her personalities will emerge once we hit the double doors.  The scenario usually goes one of two ways:  either I'm chasing down a crazed toddler in the frozen food aisle or I'm lugging a 30-pound something on my hip while awkwardly navigating the 24-foot long cart designed specifically for children.  It's never a pretty sight.

For the hardcore parents out there wondering why I just don't strap her in & show her who's boss, I'd rather actually get some shopping done before being kindly asked to leave.  I get it;  a head-thrashing, body-flailing, loudly-screeching toddler isn't the best for business.

This particular trip was heavenly...

 I somehow managed to transfer her sleeping form from carseat to cart.  And no, she is not drugged.

 This arrangement prevented me from buying in bulk but we got what we needed.

 And Reese didn't mind helping out with the "Do Whatever It Takes To Keep Reagan Asleep" mission.

She finally stirred when we hit the driveway & her beloved Laurel was spotted.

This particular shopping arrangement was a win-win.  Reagan caught a few much-needed Zs, while her mom & sister enjoyed a much-needed trip void of drama.

Here's to coordinating more Target outings with naptime.  Genius!!